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College Application & Transcripts

Please view this document to review information about Naviance.

The document linked above outlines the college application process for students and includes detailed how-to directions. Topics include:

  1. Applying to College
  2. Paying Application Fee
  3. Adding Colleges to Naviance
  4. CommonApp Account Matching
  5. Requesting Official Transcripts
  6. Sending ACT/SAT Scores
  7. Requesting Recommendation Letters
  8. Applying for FAFSA/TAFSA and CSS Profile
  9. Applying for Scholarships

Click here for a College Application Checklist.

Note from the Registrar’s Office: 

Senior final transcripts will be sent through Naviance.  If you have not already requested a final transcript in Naviance, please do so.  If you are not sending your transcript to a college/university you may choose to have one mailed to you.  Please make all requests in Naviance.

 Shot records will be included in your senior packet that you receive at graduation practice.