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School Nutrition and Menus

School Nutrition

Finch Elementary has been selected as a Healthy Zone School. Nutrition is an important part of healthy, happy students that come to school read to learn.
You can find information about school lunches on the MISD web site.
You can check Meal Sense to see if you qualify to receive free or reduced lunch.
You can check the MISD website to see the weekly menus and their nutrition value https://www.mckinneyisd.net/departments/nutrition/menu/

Get Fit McKinney

McKinney ISD is dedicated to ensuring an educational environment that also educates students about health and wellness. In McKinney ISD, each campus has a coordinated health team. The coordinated health and wellness teams include certified health & PE teachers, Registered nurses, counselors, food service workers, classroom teachers and principals. Community partners include parents and professionals such as the McKinney Fire Department and health service professionals. The City of McKinney and the school district are working together to create the “Fittest” city in the United States.
Visit the City of McKinney for more health fitness ideas.www.mckinneytexas.org/getfit

Fitness Gram

The district also participates in Fitnessgram (3-12)https://www.fitnessgram.net/home/ . Nutrigram is another tool MISD is beginning to use to promote healthy eating habits partnering with the Cooper Institute. NutriGram supports the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Three E’s of Healthy Living- Education, Exercise and Eating Right initiative.