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Technology infrastructure and interactive learning opportunities are both key initiatives within Press Elementary. Press is committed to providing opportunities for students to use technology to support the 4 C’s: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. We also focus on the importance of being a good digital citizen and using technology tools and applications to support learning and interact with the global community in a positive way.

Listed below are a few of the many ways we use technology at Press Elementary:

  • Students in 2nd – 5th grade have access to MacBook laptops to use at school.
  • Every Kindergarten and 1st grade classroom has an iPad for each student to use in the classroom.
  • Press 5th grade students produce a morning closed-circuit TV news broadcast, complete with multiple sets and green screen.
  • Our Press Learning Commons has an engaging Makerspace Program for students to create, invent and explore using a variety of applications and devices.
  • Technology integration occurs seamlessly in our classrooms as teachers design lessons weekly to meet the unique needs of their students.