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Attendance Policy

School attendance is a priority at Wilmeth. Texas State Law mandates school attendance in what is known as the “compulsory attendance law”. Absences are recorded through the MISD system and are reported to the district.  As stated in the the Student Handbook, students are considered in violation of the compulsory attendance law when they have: 3 unexcused absences in a four week period or  10 unexcused absences in a six month period.

“Excused” absences are illness, death in the family,  religious holy days, or coming in after 9:15 with doctor/dentist appointment note.  With each absence, a parent or doctor/dentist note must be received within three days of the last absence by the office registrar.

“Unexcused” absences are skipping school, sleeping in, or not getting to school until after  9:15 without doctor or dentist note.  Vacations and trips are “unexcused.” The district will question all unexcused absences at the third absence and will be recorded for truancy.